Intuition as a toolkit in law enforcement: an interdisciplinary study

  • Vronskaya M.V.

    Mariya V. Vronskaya. Vladivostok State University Vladivostok. Russia

  • Ekaterina M. Gomzyakova

    Ekaterina M. Gomzyakova. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. The subject of the study is establishing of the relationship between the intuitive abilities ofthe subjects of law enforcement activities and the result of their activities in the process of making decisions of a legal nature. Human intuition in conditions of uncertainty contributes to making the right decision, but the lack of scientific justification for the mechanism of the phe¬nomenon makes it difficult to apply it in practice. Intuition as a way of cognition contains rational and sensual principles that affect the quality of decisions made to varying degrees. A legally significant decision is based on a hypothesis generated by intuition. The authors consider in detail the range of current issues related to the possibility of measuring instantaneous intuitive abilities of the specialists who make decisions that have legal consequences. The influence of the level of intuitive abilities on the results of the activities of law enforcement officers was experimentally proven by the authors. The pa-
per explores the main points of view of the legal community on the phenomenon of intuition and its role in making a legally significant decision. Particular attention is paid to the prob¬lem connected with the possibility of practical measurements of intuition with the help of information technology. The advantage of measuring intuitive abilities using computer tools over traditional questionnaires is noted. The respondents of empirical research were: legal profes¬sion staff, investigative, supervisory and judicial bodies of Primorsky Krai. The main conclusions of the authors are based on experimental confirmation of intuitive abilities in all re¬spondents, the connection of the instantaneous level of
these abilities with the activity of law en¬forcement officers and their work experience.
Keywords: digital technologies, intuition, artificial intelligence, insight, decision theory, law enforcer, databases, Rospatent, legal mechanism, civil servants